Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A dream of mine coming to reality...

Well I am finally doing one of my resolutions that has been on my goals list for quite a few years now...I am starting to do something that I love...videography. You guys I am so excited for this! But at the same time I am pretty nervous about it...putting yourself out there like this and starting something new is a scary thing because I don't know how it is going to work out. And I feel like so often these days anyone with a camera considers themselves a professional photographer and I do not want to be put in that category. If you have known me for long you have known that I have always been one with a video camera in my hand. It began in sixth grade when I took a technology class from Ms. Hillard. We had to do movies and I did mine and I loved it. I would even volunteer to film other groups videos for them (I was never one to be in front of the camera...I had gorgeous friends for that role). After that class I told my mom of my new found passion and she informed me of the high school class that was taught by my backyard neighbor Mr. Moss that was all about video and film. He even let me start coming to his classroom even before I was in high school to let me play around and get familiar with programs and equient. I was so excited for high school! Not the fact that I was going to be with older people who intimidated me but because I had a passion and there was a class to feed that passion. I knew where I was going to thrive. I had found my "spot" before I even got to high school. So high school came around and that was the first class I registered for. And to make it all even better, my parents got me my first video camera! That thing came with me everywhere. "Girl's Night Out" was full of filming and fun. I loved video stuff. I went to college and again, I always had my camera in my hand. When I graduated college in Elementary Educaion and got married and started having kids and I still had my cameras close by but life got busy and I wasn't able to do much with video stuff. Now that I am staying at home, my life is still busy with my family but I have decided that it is time to get back to my passion and actually do something with it. Thanks to my wonderful husband who has encouraged me and help make this possible and some great friends who let me tag along with them to film and use them and their families as my geunie pigs, I am starting to get serious about this video stuff. And I could not be more anxious! So if you have a want/need for a video (wedding, baby, promo for a business, name it) let me know because I am wanting some practice and it will be free!  Stay tuned! Something big is going to happen here (I hope :))


  1. yay! this is very exciting. and scary. and mostly exciting. and you're gonna do GREAT!!! the end.
